Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 104

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Chapter 3

Motion menus


Align Right Edges: Moves the selected objects so their right edges line up with the rightmost
edge in the selection.

Align Top Edges: Moves the selected objects so their top edges line up with the topmost
edge in the selection.

Align Bottom Edges: Moves the selected objects so their bottom edges line up with the
bottommost edge in the selection.

Align Far Edges: In 3D mode, aligns the farthest edges of each object along the Z (depth) axis.

Align Near Edges: In 3D mode, aligns the nearest edges of each object along the Z (depth)

Align Horizontal Centers: Lines up the selected objects on their horizontal center points.

Align Vertical Centers: Lines up the selected objects on their vertical center points.

Align Depth Centers: Lines up the selected objects on their Z (depth) center points.

Distribute Lefts: Spreads the selected objects evenly between the leftmost and rightmost
objects based on their left edges.

Distribute Rights: Spreads the selected objects evenly between the leftmost and rightmost
objects based on their right edges.

Distribute Tops: Spreads the selected objects evenly between the topmost and bottommost
objects based on their top edges.

Distribute Bottoms: Spreads the selected objects evenly between the topmost and
bottommost objects based on their bottom edges.

Distribute Far: Spreads the selected objects evenly between each object’s farthest point.

Distribute Near: Spreads the selected layers evenly between each object’s nearest point.

Distribute Horizontal Centers: Spreads the selected objects evenly between the leftmost and
rightmost objects based on their horizontal center points.

Distribute Vertical Centers: Spreads the selected objects evenly between the topmost and
bottommost objects based on their vertical center points.

Distribute Depth Centers: Spreads the selected objects evenly between the nearest and
farthest objects, based on their Z (depth) center points.

Group: Combines the selected objects into a group. (Shift-Command-G)

Ungroup: Removes the grouping so you can manipulate the objects individually.

Active: Sets whether an object is active. When an object is not active, it doesn’t appear in the
Canvas and doesn’t appear in the final output. When the selected item is active, the menu
item has a checkmark beside it. (Control-T)

Solo: Hides all other objects in the project (but not the selected object). When the selected
item is soloed, the menu item has a checkmark beside it. (Alternatively, you can Control-click
an object in the Layers list and choose Solo from the shortcut menu.) You cannot solo a
camera, light, or rig. (Control-S)

Isolate: Displays the selected object in its original orientation. For example, if you want to apply
a mask to or rotoscope a layer that has been transformed in 3D space, you can isolate the layer
so it appears in its original orientation (2D, facing the front of the project). Isolating an object
does not alter its actual position in the project, but temporarily changes the display so you can
see it in the original orientation.

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