Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 529

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Chapter 14



Circle: Particles emerge from a circle-shaped emitter. Particles can be emitted in an outline,
tile-fill, or random-fill pattern. This emitter shape is good for surrounding an element in a
composition with particles that emerge from its edge. Using the onscreen controls (with
the Adjust Item tool), you can specify the size and location of the circle. Depending on
the selected Arrangement, the Circle emitter shape displays additional parameters. In the
following image, the shape’s Arrangement parameter is set to Outline.

Burst: Particles emerge from a burst pattern. Using the onscreen controls (with the Adjust
Item tool), you can specify the size and location of the burst. The Burst shape displays
additional parameters.

Spiral: Particles emerge from a spiral pattern. Using the onscreen controls (with the Adjust
Item tool), you can specify the size and location of the spiral. The Spiral shape displays
additional parameters.

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