Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 225

background image

Chapter 7

Basic compositing


Highlights: When this checkbox is selected, lit layers in the scene show highlights. This
parameter has no effect if Shading is set to Off. Click the disclosure triangle to reveal an
additional Shininess parameter.

Shininess: A slider that sets the strength of a layer’s highlights. Higher values create a glossier
appearance. This parameter is disabled when the Highlights checkbox is deselected.
For more information, see

Lighting overview

on page 939.

Shadows parameters
The Shadows parameter controls appear only when the parent group is set to 3D.

Cast Shadows: A checkbox that sets whether a shadow is cast when a layer lies between a light
source and another layer.
Note: This parameter does not affect drop shadows.

Receive Shadows: Controls whether neighboring layers’ shadows affect the current layer. When
this checkbox is deselected, light affects the layer as if the shadow-casting layer did not exist.

Shadows Only: A checkbox that, when selected, specifies that a layer blocks light and casts a
shadow, while the layer itself does not appear in the scene.

For more information, see

Shadows overview

on page 944.

Reflection parameters
The Reflection parameter controls appear only when the parent group is set to 3D. The Reflection
parameter controls are not available for 3D particle emitters, 3D replicators, or normal text layers.
However, the Reflection parameters are available for flattened text, which is activated by the
Flatten checkbox in the Layout pane of the Text Inspector.

Reflectivity: A slider that controls the shininess of the layer’s surface. When set to 0%, there is
no reflectivity. When set to 100%, the layer is totally reflective, like a mirror.

Blur Amount: A slider that controls how blurry the reflection appears, creating the appearance
of soft focus due to the surface quality of the reflecting layer.

Falloff: A checkbox that controls whether the reflection fades with distance from the layer,
producing a more realistic result. Click the disclosure triangle to show additional controls
that adjust the falloff effect: Begin Distance, End Distance, and Exponent. The Exponent slider
adjusts how quickly the reflection becomes fainter as reflected layers move away from the
reflecting layer.

Blend Mode: A pop-up menu that determines the blend mode used for the reflection.
For more information, see

Reflections overview

on page 951.

Additional parameters in the Properties Inspector

Drop Shadow: An activation checkbox turns the drop shadow of a layer on and off. When
selected, additional controls become available. For more information about working with drop
shadows, see

Drop shadows overview

on page 244.

Four Corner: An activation checkbox to turn distorting on and off. If a layer is distorted and
this checkbox is deselected, the layer resumes its original shape, although the distorted
coordinates are maintained. Reselecting the checkbox re-enables the distort effect specified by
the Four Corner coordinate parameters.
When the Four Corner checkbox is selected, value sliders to modify the X and Y coordinates
of the layer’s four corner points (Bottom Left, Bottom Right, Top Right, and Top Left) become
available. You can also control these parameters visually in the Canvas using the Distort tool.
For more information, see

2D transform tools

on page 210.

67% resize factor
