Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 518

background image

Chapter 14




Create a layer to serve as the cell source for the particles that your emitter will generate.

This example uses an image of a simple white circular gradient, such as the “basic blur” image
located in the Library (in the Particle Images subcategory of the Content category).


Move the object in the Canvas to the location where you want the center of your particle system

to be.


Select the object, then do one of the following:

In the toolbar, click the Make Particles button.

Make Particles

Press E.

After you add a particle emitter to a project, the following occurs:

An emitter appears in the Layers list and is selected.

A cell containing the image to be “particle-ized” appears underneath the emitter.

The original source layer (the cell source) is disabled.
Note: Changes made to the original source layer, such as opacity or shearing, are also applied
to the particles even after the emitter is created.

In the Canvas, the emitter bounding box appears.

The first particle appears in the Canvas in the same location as the original layer. Although it
appears as if the particle is selected, the bounding box represents the entire emitter.

The Emitter HUD appears. If you have hidden the HUD, press F7.
Note: For projects with a frame rate greater than 30 frames per second (fps), at times only the
bounding box (not the first particle) might appear at the first frame of your project. Because
Motion generates particles at a default rate of 30 per second, there is no guarantee that a
particle will appear on every frame.

67% resize factor
