File menu, 99 file menu – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

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Chapter 3

Motion menus


Download Additional Content: Downloads additional Motion Library content such as templates,
particle emitters, and replicators when your computer is connected to the Internet.

Services: Provides access to commands that work across different applications. See OS X Help
for more information about this submenu.

Hide Motion: Hides all Motion windows. The application is still running in the background. You
can bring it back to the front by clicking the Motion icon in the Dock. (Command-H)

Hide Others: Hides windows from all applications other than Motion. (Option-Command-H)

Show All: Shows all windows from all applications currently running.

Quit Motion: Stops the application from running. You are prompted to save your open
document. (Command-Q)

File menu

This menu contains functions and commands that deal with files associated with Motion.

New: Opens the Project Browser dialog, where you can choose a project type or template to
create a document. If a default project is set in the Project pane of Motion Preferences, a new
document is created with that setting. (Command-N)

New From Project Browser: Use this option to create a project from the Project Browser dialog.

Open: Opens a Finder dialog where you can choose a Motion project to open. (Command-O)

Open Recent: Opens a submenu that lists the most recently opened files, giving you quick
access to the projects you have been working on recently. You can clear the list by choosing
Clear Menu from the bottom of the submenu.

Close: Closes the current project. If the project has not been saved, Motion asks you to save the
project before closing the window. (Command-W)

Save: Stores the current state of the project to disk. If the current project is a Final Cut Title,
Final Cut Generator, Final Cut Transition, or Final Cut Effect, the Publish window appears.

Save As: Saves the current state of the project with a new name. If the current project is a
Final Cut Title, Final Cut Generator, Final Cut Transition, or Final Cut Effect, the Publish window
appears. (Shift-Command-S)

Publish Template: Available when the current project is a standard Motion project, this
command saves the current project as a Motion template or a Final Cut Generator template
(for use in Final Cut Pro X). When saved, Motion templates appear in the Compositions
category in the Motion Project Browser; Final Cut Generators appear in the Final Cut Pro
Generators category in the Motion Project Browser; and so on. For more information on
working with templates, see

Final Cut Pro X templates overview

on page 385.

Revert to Saved: Restores the selected project to the last saved state. All of the work done after
the last save is lost. Use caution; you cannot undo this operation.

Restore from Autosave: Displays a dialog where you can choose a project previously saved to
the Autosave Vault. For more information on the Autosave Vault, see

Cache pane

on page 120.

Import: Opens the Import Files dialog and lets you choose a file from disk to import into your
project. (Command-I)

Import as Project: Displays the Import File as Project dialog. A new project is created from the
chosen file, using the file’s dimensions and duration. If multiple items are selected, they are all
placed in the same project. Additional options are available if an image sequence is selected.
For more information, see

Open and close projects

on page 189. (Shift-Command-I)

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