Layer order and depth order, 915 layer order and depth order, Layer order and depth – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 915: Order

background image

Chapter 21

3D compositing


Moving the image to a position of 50, 50, 50 displaces it by 50 pixels from the group’s origin in all
axes. You can see in the image below that the porcupine is now exceeding the visible area of the
Canvas. Although the image’s apparent position relative to the world is 150, 150, 150, its Position
values in the Inspector are 50, 50, 50 because its position is always relative to its parent.

Object position set to 50, 50, 50

Rotation values are also relative to an object’s parent.

Group rotation set to 45°

Object rotation set to -90°


World and view transforms are limited to the HUD and onscreen controls; all

transforms made in the Inspector are relative to an object’s parent’s space.

Layer order and depth order

When compositing in 2D, the Layers list shows the layer order, which determines the stacking
order of objects in the Canvas. Objects higher up in the Layers list appear in the Canvas on top of
objects lower than them in the Layers list.


The children of 2D groups are composited in layer order.

67% resize factor
