Gradient controls, Basic gradient controls, Gradient preset pop-up menu – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

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Chapter 5

User interface controls


Gradient controls

Basic gradient controls

Most attributes that can be filled with a color can also be filled with a gradient. Like color
controls, gradient controls are a group of compound settings that can be expanded for more
precise control.

Gradient preview bar: A horizontal bar that displays the currently selected gradient

Gradient preset pop-up menu: A menu containing a list of gradient presets

Disclosure triangle: A control that, when clicked, expands to show the gradient editor

Gradient preset pop-up menu

When the gradient editor is collapsed, you can select a preset gradient from the Gradient preset
pop-up menu, located to the right of the gradient preview bar.

Gradient preset

pop-up menu

Change the current gradient to a saved preset


Click the Gradient preset pop-up menu and choose a gradient preset from the list.
The new gradient is shown in the gradient bar and applied to the selected object in the Canvas.

Gradient editor

To customize or modify a gradient, click the disclosure triangle in the Gradient row to expand
the controls and reveal the gradient editor. Use the gradient editor to change the color, color
position, number of colors, opacity, direction, and interpolation of a gradient. The color and
opacity of a gradient can be animated.

The Angle parameter,

available for text gradients,

defines the direction

of a linear gradient.

Controls in the gradient editor

Graphical controls: Three horizontal bars that let you set and preview the opacity, color, and
spread of a gradient.

67% resize factor
