Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 652

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Chapter 16




In the Style pane of the Text Inspector, choose an item from the Preset pop-up menu.

Preset pop-up menu

The text style is applied to the text.

Save a custom text style

After you modify parameters in the Style pane (such as Gradient or Glow) or Format pane (such
as Tracking or Slant), you can save the style you create to the Text Styles category in the Library.
These custom styles can then be used and applied like preset styles.

Note: Custom presets saved to the Library are stored in the /Users/username/Library/Application
Support/Motion/Library/Text Styles/ folder.

Save a modified text style to the Library


Select the text with the modified parameters you want to save as a style.


In the Style pane, open the Preset pop-up menu and choose one of the following options:

To save a style with only the Format pane parameters, choose Save Format Attributes.

To save a style with only the Style pane parameters, choose Save Style Attributes.

To save a style with parameters from both Style and Format panes, choose
Save All Format + Style Attributes.


In the Save Preset To Library dialog, enter the name for the preset.


Click Save.

The custom preset is saved to the Text Styles category in the Library. Custom presets can be
identified in the Library by the small user badge that appears in the lower-right corner of the
text style icon.

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