Template markers, Template markers overview, 428 template markers 428 – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

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Chapter 11

Final Cut Pro X templates


Timing guidelines
Depending on the template type, different timing rules apply when the template is added to the
Final Cut Pro Timeline:

Final Cut Effect: When you apply an effect template in Final Cut Pro, the effect is integrated into
the clip. For example, when a color-correction effect template that is 300 frames in Motion is
saved and applied to a 2,300-frame clip in Final Cut Pro, the resulting effect is 2,300 frames.
Animated effect templates are also scaled according to the duration of the clip they are
applied to in Final Cut Pro. For example, if a template in Motion is 300 frames long, and the
placeholder layer is animated to rotate 360 degrees (one complete rotation) from frames 0 to
300, when the template is applied to a 900-frame clip in Final Cut Pro, the complete rotation is
stretched to 900 frames.
You can override the timing adjustment in Final Cut Pro by applying markers to the template
in Motion. For example, to control frame-counting effects, such as Timecode generators or
grain effects, apply special markers to instruct Final Cut Pro when to play specific ranges of the
template. For more information, see

Add template markers

on page 432.

Final Cut Transition: In Final Cut Pro, the default transition duration is set in the Editing pane
of Final Cut Pro Preferences. When you apply a transition template to an edit point in the
Final Cut Pro timeline, the duration of the transition effect is modified to the default transition
duration. For example, in a Final Cut Pro Broadcast HD 1080 project (29.97 fps) with a default
transition duration of two seconds, an applied 300-frame transition template is compressed to
60 frames (2 seconds at 29.97 fps).
To override the transition duration setting in Final Cut Pro Preferences, select the Override FCP
checkbox in the Properties Inspector in Motion. If this checkbox is selected when the transition
is saved, the transition retains its original duration when added to the Final Cut Pro project.
Whether the transition duration uses the Final Cut Pro default or is overridden, you can adjust
the in and out points of the transition in the Final Cut Pro Timeline.

Final Cut Title: When added to a Final Cut Pro project, a title template is anchored to the clip to
which it is applied. Its duration is based on the duration of the template in Motion. After the
title is applied, you can adjust its duration in the Final Cut Pro Timeline.

Final Cut Generator: When added to a Final Cut Pro project, a generator template uses its
default duration (its duration when the template was created and saved in Motion). After the
generator is applied, you can adjust its duration in the Final Cut Pro Timeline.

Template markers

Template markers overview

Markers are visual reference points you add to the Timeline to identify specific frames. There
are several different types of markers. The first type, known as Standard, is designed for use
in Motion and has no effect if saved in a Final Cut template. The Standard marker type can be
added to an object (an object marker) or to the overall project (a project marker). The remaining
marker types, known as template markers, are designed to control the timing of templates in
Final Cut Pro X.

For basic information on using working with markers in the Timeline, see

Markers overview


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