Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 680

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Chapter 17

Animated text


Create a sequence animation using the Inspector


Select the applied Sequence Text behavior in the Layers list or Timeline.

The Behaviors Inspector is displayed.
The upper area of the Sequence Text controls contains Add and Remove pop-up menus, which
are used to select text parameters to be sequenced, or to remove parameters after they are
added. The second group of parameters are sequence controls, which include options for setting
the direction and speed of the animation, whether the animation is applied per character, per
word, per text object, and so on.

In this simple example, Opacity, Scale, and Glow scale are sequenced.


In the Parameter row, choose Format > Opacity from the Add pop-up menu.

The Opacity parameter is added in the Behaviors Inspector above the Add and Remove menus.


Set Opacity to 0 and play the project (press Space bar).

Because the Sequencing parameter is set to From by default, the opacity sequences from the
value set in the behavior (0%) to original value of the text (100%).

67% resize factor
