Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 878

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Chapter 20

Shapes, masks, and paint strokes


Width: Defines the width of the dabs. Unlike Scale, Width adjustments will alter the size
of the dab while also maintaining the spacing between each dab. Set a new value using
the slider.

Position: Defines the offset of the dabs from their original position. Click the disclosure
triangle next to the Position parameter to reveal separate X, Y, and Z Position subparameters.
For example, to create an animation in which the dabs move upward in the Y axis over the
paint stroke, enter a positive value in the Y Position field.

Sequencing: A pop-up menu that specifies how the sequence animation—the value change
from the original parameter value to the value set in the Sequence Paint parameters—moves
through the dabs of the stroke. The starting point for the sequence animation is based on the
first control point of the paint stroke. (To change the start point of the shape, select the shape,
and choose the Edit Points tool from the 2D tools shortcut menu in the toolbar. Then Control-
click a control point and choose Set Start Point from the shortcut menu.) There are five options:

To: Specifies that the animation begins at the original value of the dabs and moves to the
value set in the Sequence Paint behavior for that parameter. For example, if the original
opacity value of a stroke is 100%, and opacity is set to 0% in the Sequence Paint parameters,
the dabs begin completely opaque and become completely transparent.

From: Specifies that the animation moves from the value set in the Sequence Paint
behavior to the original value of the stroke. For example, if the original opacity value of a
stroke is 100%, and opacity is set to 0% in the Sequence Paint parameters, the dabs begin
completely transparent and become completely opaque. This is the opposite of the To
Sequencing option.

Through: Specifies that the sequence goes through a full animation cycle starting at the
original value of the stroke, moves to the value set in the Sequence Paint behavior, and
then returns to the original value of the stroke. For example, if the original opacity value of
a stroke dab is 100%, and opacity is set to 0% in the Sequence Paint parameters, the dabs
begin completely opaque, become transparent, and then become completely opaque again.

Through Inverted: Specifies that the sequence goes through an inverted animation cycle
starting from the value set in the Sequence Paint behavior, moving to the original value of
the stroke, and then returning to the value set in the Sequence Paint behavior. For example,
if the original opacity value of a stroke is 100%, and opacity is set to 0% in the Sequence
Paint parameters, the dabs begin completely transparent, become opaque, and then
become completely transparent. This is the opposite of the Through option.

Custom: Lets you keyframe how the animation moves through the values set in the
Sequence Paint parameters over a stroke. Each dab undergoes the same value sequence.
When Custom is selected, added parameters must be animated to yield any effect.

Unit Size: A pop-up menu that specifies whether the sequence animation is applied to the
stroke as a whole, to its individual dabs, or to a custom range.

Dab: Applies the sequence animation over each dab as its own entity. Dab is the
default setting.

All: Applies the sequence animation to all stroke dabs simultaneously.

Custom: Lets you specify the percentage of dabs on the stroke affected by the sequence
animation at once. Although you can create keyframes for the Custom option, it is
not required to affect the sequence. Use Custom to define an area of dabs affected by
the sequence.

Start: A slider, available when Unit Size is set to Custom, that sets the starting point for the
dabs on the stroke affected by the animation.

67% resize factor
