Examples of rasterization, Text and rasterization – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 1047

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Chapter 25

About rasterization


Examples of rasterization

2D groups and rasterization
The following pair of figures show the effect of rasterization on the blend modes of 2D groups.
In both images, the lone elephant layer, which is in the topmost group in the Layers list, overlaps
a portion of the family of elephants layer, which resides in a separate 2D group in the Layers list.
In both examples, the lone elephant layer has its Blend Mode parameter set to Vivid Light. In
the nonrasterized left example, the lone elephant’s blend mode interacts with the pixels of the
group underneath it (the family of elephants). However, in the right example, the topmost group
is rasterized. Consequently, its Vivid Light blend mode no longer interacts with the pixels of the
second group.

No groups rasterized

Topmost group rasterized


If a group’s Blend Mode is set to Pass Through and the group’s layers have different

Blend Modes applied, the layers are not rasterized.

3D groups and rasterization
The next pair of figures show the effect of rasterization on the intersection of 3D groups. In the
left image, the nonrasterized example, two groups (Group A and Group B) containing rectangle
shapes intersect in 3D space. In the right image, Group A is rasterized; consequently, Group A and
Group B no longer intersect.

No groups rasterized

Group A rasterized

Text and rasterization

Because all text layers are contained in groups, rasterization affects how text interacts with other
objects in your project.

67% resize factor
