About combining keyframes and behaviors, Keyframes in the timeline, View keyframes in the timeline – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

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Chapter 12




Move the playhead to a new time position.


Adjust the behavior settings again.


Click the Record button (or press A) to turn off keyframe recording.

Behaviors can be animated in the Inspector. For more information, see

Animate parameters in

the Inspector

on page 448.

About combining keyframes and behaviors

When you combine keyframes with behaviors, Motion adds the two sets of instructions together.
For example, if you apply a Throw behavior toward the upper left of the Canvas, and at the same
time add keyframes that instruct the object to move to the right, the behavior-driven object
moves less leftward because the keyframes are pushing it in an opposite direction. The larger the
Throw velocity rate, the more the behavior overpowers the keyframes, and vice versa.

You can use this method to enhance and control the effects of behaviors. For example, you can
apply a Gravity behavior that causes an object to fall toward the bottom of the frame, and then
keyframe the object’s position to move across the screen from left to right. As a result, the object
falls as it moves rightward.

Likewise, you can apply a Fade In/Fade Out behavior, but use keyframes on the object’s Opacity
parameter to limit the maximum opacity to 80%. The resulting clip fades in, but not completely.

Additionally, you can convert behaviors to keyframes. For more information, see


behaviors to keyframes

on page 312.

Keyframes in the Timeline

View keyframes in the Timeline

When keyframing, it is often helpful to view your keyframes in the Timeline. This lets you move
keyframes to line them up with other important timing elements in your project such as edit
points, sound cues, markers, and other keyframes. You can also view keyframe parameters in the
Timeline, and delete keyframes you don’t need.


View keyframes in the Timeline


Turn on the Show Keyframes button (in the upper-right corner of the Timeline).

67% resize factor
