Average, Clamp – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 333

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Chapter 9




The Average behavior smoothes the transition from one value to another in animations that
are keyframed and in behaviors that are applied to a parameter. Use the Average behavior to
smooth out animated effects. Averaged motion moves more fluidly, while averaged changes to
parameters such as Opacity and to filter parameters appear to happen more gradually. Use the
Window Size parameter to adjust the amount by which to smooth the affected parameter.

Tip: The Average behavior can be used to smooth out the sequence of values generated by a
Randomize behavior.

Parameters in the Inspector

Window Size: A slider that adjusts the amount of smoothing applied to the affected parameter,
by specifying the number of adjacent frames to average together. Higher values apply more
smoothing by averaging a wider range of values, resulting in more fluid animation. Lower
values average a narrower range of values, resulting in less smoothing, with values closer to
the original.

Apply To: A pop-up menu that displays the parameter affected and can be used to reassign the
behavior to another parameter.


The Clamp behavior sets a minimum and maximum value for an animated parameter. In the
following illustration, the center star has an applied Vortex behavior set to affect the two
airplane shapes. As a result, the airplanes circle around the center star, as indicated by the red
animation paths.

In the following illustration, a Clamp behavior is applied to the X Position parameter of the
outer airplane shape. The Max value is set to 230 and the Min value is set to 0. As a result, the
animation path is “clamped”—the image can travel 230 pixels to the right but cannot move left
past the 0 point, creating a half-circle animation.

The circle motion path is essentially cut in half. If a negative value is entered in the Min value
slider, the image moves past the 0 point.

67% resize factor
