Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 109

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Chapter 3

Motion menus


Guides: Turns the display of guides on and off. When guides are visible, a checkmark appears
beside the menu item. (Command-Semicolon)

Dynamic Guides: Turns dynamic guides on and off. Dynamic guides are the lines that appear
when you drag one item into alignment with another layer. When dynamic guides are
enabled, a checkmark appears beside the menu item. Press N to turn snapping on or off.

Safe Zones: Turns the display of title-safe and action-safe guides on and off. You can
customize the safe zones in the Canvas pane (Zones) of Motion Preferences. When safe
zones are displayed, a checkmark appears beside the menu item. (Apostrophe)

Film Zones: Turns the display of film-based aspect ratio guides on and off. You can customize
the film zones in the Canvas pane (Zones) of Motion Preferences. When film zones are
displayed, a checkmark appears beside the menu item. (Shift-Apostrophe)

Handles: Turns the display of object handles in the Canvas on and off. The handles are the
corner points that let you manipulate an object. When handles are displayed, a checkmark
appears beside the menu item.

Lines: Turns the display of object border lines on and off. When lines are displayed, a
checkmark appears beside the menu item.

Animation Path: Turns the display of keyframe animation paths on and off. Animation paths
are the lines that show where an object moves in the Canvas. When animation paths are
displayed, a checkmark appears beside the menu item.

Guides: Opens a submenu of commands that control the guides in the Canvas:

Lock Guides: Causes all guides to be fixed in their current position. This prevents you from
accidentally moving a guide instead of moving an object. (Option-Command-Semicolon)

Unlock Guides: Releases guides to be manually manipulated.

Clear Guides: Removes all guides from the Canvas.

Add Vertical Guide: Adds a moveable, vertical guide to the center of the Canvas.

Add Horizontal Guide: Adds a moveable, horizontal guide to the center of the Canvas.

Snap: Turns object snapping on and off in the Canvas and Timeline. Snapping aligns objects as
you drag them. When snap is enabled, a checkmark appears beside the menu item. (N)

Show 3D Overlays: Turns all 3D overlays on and off, including the 3D View tools, 3D Compass,
Inset view, 3D grid, and 3D scene icons.

3D Overlays: Opens a submenu of the following items that set the display of 3D overlays in
the Canvas:

3D View Tools: Turns the Camera menu and 3D View tools on and off.

Compass: Turns the 3D Compass on and off. The compass shows your current orientation
in 3D space. The red axis is X (horizontal), the green axis is Y (vertical), and the blue axis
is Z (depth). Move the pointer over the compass and choose a new view by clicking a
colored view icon, such as Front, Left, Right, Perspective, and so on. The Canvas animates the
view change.

Inset View: Turns on Inset view, a window in the lower-right corner of the Canvas that displays
a perspective or active-camera view of your project as you move objects in 3D space,
helping you stay oriented. In the 3D pane of Motion Preferences, you can change the size of
the Inset view and specify when it appears—during transform changes, during all changes,
or when manually invoked.

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