Arrange objects, Arrangement commands in the object menu, Reorder nonconsecutive selections – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 207: 207 arrange objects 207, Arrangement commands in the object, Menu

background image

Chapter 7

Basic compositing


Arrange objects

Arrangement commands in the Object Menu

As an alternative to rearranging layer order in the Layers list, you can change layer order using
commands in the Object menu. The Object menu commands are useful when you want to move
a layer to the front of your composition while you’re working in the Canvas. The arrangement
commands in this menu can be used with layers, objects, groups, or groups nested in another
group. Reordering a group reorders all objects nested in that group.

Note: You cannot use the Object menu reorder commands to move image layers out of the
group they’re nested in.

There are four arrangement commands in the Object menu:

Bring to Front: Places the selected layer in front of all other layers in the same group by moving
the layer to the top of the nested group in the Layers list and Canvas.

Send to Back: Places the selected layer behind all other layers in the same group by moving the
layer to the bottom of the nested group in the Layers list and Canvas.

Bring Forward: Moves the selected layer up one level in the hierarchy of layers nested in the
same group in the Layers list and Canvas, moving it closer to the front in the Canvas.

Send Backward: Moves the selected layer down one level in the hierarchy of layers nested in
that group in the Layers list and Canvas, moving it closer to the back in the Canvas.

Reorder nonconsecutive selections

When you apply the Bring Forward or Send Backward arrangement command to noncontiguous
selected layers (Command-click to select noncontiguous layers), the layers move up or down the
object hierarchy together, and any space between the layers remains.

Bring Forward command applied

Nonconsecutive layers selected

When you apply the Bring to Front or Send to Back arrangement command on noncontiguous
selected layers, the layers move up or down the object hierarchy together.

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