Use keyframes to modify behaviors, Apply keyframes to behaviors, 452 use keyframes to modify behaviors 452 – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 452

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Chapter 12



Add/Delete Keyframe: A diamond-shaped button with several states. A gray diamond button
indicates that there is no keyframe at the current frame. Click this button to add a keyframe at
the playhead position. When you add a keyframe, the diamond turns orange, indicating that
there is a keyframe at the frame. Clicking the orange diamond deletes the keyframe. When the
playhead advances to a frame that is not keyframed, the diamond turns gray.

Next Keyframe: A right angle bracket that appears when there is a keyframe to the right of the
playhead position. Click this control to move to the next keyframe in the Timeline.

Reset button: A curved arrow button at the top of each parameter group in the Inspector. Click
this button to remove all keyframes applied to all parameters in the group and restore those
parameters to their default state.

Reset button

Use keyframes to modify behaviors

Apply keyframes to behaviors

You can also use keyframes to animate behaviors. Animating behaviors might appear
complicated at first because most of the behaviors are already changing, but combining these
features is a powerful way to greatly enhance behaviors’ usefulness.

For example, you might want to animate a Random Motion behavior to begin as a subtle
random motion and then become increasingly severe as the effect progresses. Or you might
want to apply a Gravity behavior, but not have the object start falling toward the ground until
five seconds into the clip. Keyframes allow you to manipulate the parameters of each behavior.

Certain parameters cannot be animated, such as the Throw Velocity parameter of the Throw
behavior and the Spin Rate parameter of the Spin behavior. If a parameter can be animated, the
following occurs:

When keyframe recording is turned on (Record button), the parameter appears red in
the Inspector.

Moving the pointer over the parameter row in the Inspector reveals the Add/Delete
Keyframe button.

Note: In Motion, you can bake all behaviors applied to an object into keyframes using the
Convert to Keyframes command in the Object menu. For more information, see


behaviors to keyframes

on page 312.

Keyframe a behavior using the Record button


Select an object in the Canvas.


Apply a behavior.


Click the Record button (or press A) to turn on keyframe recording.


Place the playhead at the frame where you want the effect to begin changing.


Using the HUD, adjust the behavior’s settings.

67% resize factor
