Stylize filters, Stylize filters overview, Add noise – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 804: Bad film, 804 stylize filters 804

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Chapter 19



Stylize filters

Stylize filters overview

Unlike distortion filters, which warp and deform an image, stylize filters simulate different media,
such as film, television, or print, for example.

For a description of each Stylize filter, see the filters list in the Help table of contents (the sidebar
to the left of this window).

Add Noise

Adds an overlay noise of the selected type to an image. This filter causes rasterization in 3D
groups. For more information on rasterization, see

Groups and rasterization

on page 1045.

Original image

Add Noise filter applied

Parameters in the Inspector

Amount: Sets the amount of noise added to the image.

Type: Sets the type of noise added to the image. Values include Pink Noise (TV Static), White
Noise (Uniform), Gaussian Noise (Film Grain), and Blue Noise, which reduces banding.

Monochrome: Sets whether the added noise is monochrome or color.

Blend Mode: Sets the blend mode used to add noise to the image. For blend mode
descriptions, see

How blend modes work

on page 231.

Autoanimate: Sets whether the noise is animated automatically.

Random Seed: Sets the seed used to generate the position of the noise. This parameter is only
available if Autoanimate is deselected.

Mix: Sets the percentage of the original image to be blended with the filtered image.

Bad Film

Simulates old or damaged film and/or playback equipment. This filter is animated.

This filter causes rasterization in 3D groups. For more information on rasterization, see


and rasterization

on page 1045.

Original image

Bad Film filter applied

67% resize factor
