Move control points to adjust a shape, Modify shape edges – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 847

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Chapter 20

Shapes, masks, and paint strokes


Deselect every control point on a shape
Do one of the following:


Click the Canvas anywhere outside the selected shape.


Choose Edit > Deselect All (or press Shift-Command-A).

Display an info window showing the control point number
By default, shape control points are numerically labeled in the order they were created in
the Canvas.


Enable Show Tool Info in the View pop-up menu, then position the pointer over any
control point.
An info window appears showing the numeric name of the control point—“Control Point 1,”
for example.

Note: Shape control points are also listed by number in the Geometry pane of the
Shape Inspector.

Move control points to adjust a shape

Because control points define the shape, you can move control points to change the shape. For
all procedures described below, use the Edit Points tool (in the 2D tools pop-up menu).

Tip: You can also modify multiple control points across different shapes simultaneously by
selecting them all at once.

Move control points


Select control points on the shape in the Canvas, then drag the points to a new position.
As you drag selected control points, the rest of the shape stretches or curves to accommodate
the change.

Moving all three points simultaneously

Three shape control points selected


Press Command–Left Arrow, Command–Right Arrow, Command–Up Arrow, or Command–Down
Arrow to nudge a point by one pixel (or Shift-Command to nudge by 10 pixels).

Constrain the movement of selected control points


Select control points.


Press Shift while you drag a selected point horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.


Selected control points can only be moved—you cannot corner-pin them. To rotate

or scale them, you must use the Transform Control Points command. See

Transform multiple

control points

on page 848.

Modify shape edges

You can also select the line between two control points and drag the edge of the shape without
affecting the rest of the shape.

67% resize factor
