Particle systems and layer sizes, Create particle systems, Add particle systems to a project – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 516: Add particle, Systems to a project

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Chapter 14



Particle systems and layer sizes

Particle systems often create particles that grow or move off the Canvas before they die. This
can make the size of a layer or group much larger than the dimensions of the Canvas. Although
the particles are not visible after they move off the Canvas (unless Show Full View Area is turned
on in the View menu), they are still present in the project and are processed. If you apply a filter
to a layer containing growing particles, or use that layer as a source object, select the Fixed
Resolution checkbox in the Group Inspector (available only when a group is the selected object).
The Fixed Resolution parameter lets you set the specific width and height of a group, cropping
anything beyond those values. For more information, see

Constrain group size

on page 160.

Note: Using a movie with applied filters as a particle cell source adversely impacts your
computer’s processing performance. For better performance, export your sequence with the
filter applied, then import it back into Motion and use the movie as the cell source.

Create particle systems

Add particle systems to a project

There are two basic ways to add a particle system to a project: choose a preset from the Particle
Emitters category of the Library, or create a custom particle system using your own image, video
clip, or shape.

Add a preset particle system from the Library
The easiest way to add a particle system to your project is to use a preset in the Particle Emitters
category of the Library. There are many types of particle effects to choose from. If you find one
close to what you need, you can easily customize its parameters after you add it to your project.
Particle systems are added to a project exactly like any other object in Motion.

67% resize factor
