Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 343

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Chapter 9



Triangle: Similar to the sine wave, creates a smooth animation between values but with
sharper changes at the transitions. For example, when Oscillate is applied to an object’s
Opacity parameter, and the Wave Shape is set to Triangle, the object fades in and out more
acutely than the sine wave.

Phase: A slider that sets the point of the specified oscillation where the behavior starts. This
parameter lets you put multiple objects with identical Oscillate behaviors out of phase with
one another so they don’t all look the same.

Amplitude: A slider that sets the maximum values between which the parameter oscillates.
The parameter swings between the amplitude value and the negative of the amplitude
value. Higher values result in more extreme swings from the beginning to the ending of
each oscillation.

Speed: A slider that sets the speed at which the oscillation occurs, in oscillations per minute.
Higher values result in faster oscillations.

Half Range: A checkbox that, when selected, cuts the sine wave (or other wave shape) in
half and prevents it from crossing the value of 0. For example, when Amplitude is set to
100, the parameter oscillates between 100 and –100. When Half Range is selected, however,
the parameter oscillates between 100 and 0. When Amplitude is set to –100, the parameter
oscillates between –100 and 0.
Tip: When you are oscillating position parameters, set Wave Shape to Sine and enable Half
Range to create a bouncing effect.

Start Offset: A slider that delays the beginning of the behavior’s effect relative to the first frame
of its position in the Timeline. Adjust this parameter to make the behavior start later. The units
of this parameter are in frames.

End Offset: A slider that offsets the end of the behavior’s effect relative to the last frame of its
position in the Timeline, in frames. Adjust this parameter to make the behavior stop before
the actual end of the behavior in the Timeline. Using this slider to stop the effect, instead
of trimming the end of the behavior in the Timeline, freezes the end of the effect for the
remaining duration of the object. Trimming the end of the behavior resets the object to its
original parameters.

Apply To: A pop-up menu that shows the parameter affected and can be used to reassign the
behavior to another parameter.

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