Use masks with particle systems, 550 use masks with particle systems – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 550

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Chapter 14




Select the cell to display animated parameters such as Birth Rate or Angle (in the Particle Cell
Note: To manually send an animated parameter to the Keyframe Editor, choose Show In
Keyframe Editor from the parameter’s Animation menu.

The parameter is displayed in the Keyframe Editor in a new, untitled curve set.

Use masks with particle systems

As shown in the following images, you can apply masks to the cell source of a particle emitter.
The effect of the mask on the cell source is carried through to the emitted particles.

Original source layer

Bezier mask applied

to source layer

Resulting particle system

You can also apply masks to the emitter object itself.

Rectangle mask (inverted) applied

to the emitter object

67% resize factor
