Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 691

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Chapter 17

Animated text


In a simple example, if Animate is set to Character for a multiline text object, the sequence
moves through the characters one at a time, line by line. If the Range parameter is then set
to Character in Line and Start Index set to 1, the first character of each line is not animated,
but the remaining characters are animated (as long as the End Index parameter is set to the
number of characters in the longest line of text).

End Index: Sets the end of the range for the sequence animation.

Invert: Transposes the animation. In a simple example, the first character of each word in a
line of text fades in. When Invert is selected, the first character of each word is fully visible,
and the rest of the characters fade in.

Reverse: Reverses the animation. In a simple example, the first character of each word in a
line of text fades in. When Reverse is selected, the last character of each word fades in.

Spread: Drag this slider to control the amount of falloff at the beginning and end of the
sequencing. To create a softer transition between each text unit, increase the Spread value.

Direction: Use this pop-up menu to set the direction of the sequencing.

Forwards: Sequences in the direction of the letters (typically left to right).

Backwards: Sequences in the reverse direction (typically right to left).

Center to Ends: Sequences from the center of the text outwards.

Ends to Center: Sequences from the outer edges of the text inwards.

Random: Randomizes the direction of the sequencing. When Random is selected from the
Direction pop-up menu, the Random Seed parameter becomes available.

Random Seed: Use this button, available when Direction is set to Random, to change the
current “randomness” (seed number) of the direction of the sequence by typing a new number
or clicking the Generate button.

Speed: Use this pop-up menu to set the action of the sequence behavior to Constant, Ease In,
Ease Out, Ease Both, Accelerate, Decelerate, or Custom.
Note: By default, the sequence animation lasts for the duration of the text object to which
it is applied. You can speed or slow the behavior by adjusting its bar in the mini-Timeline
or Timeline. For more information, see

Change the speed of Text Sequence behaviors


page 704.

Constant: The sequence animation moves from one end of the text to the other at a
constant rate. The sequence moves in the direction specified in the Direction pop-up menu.

Ease In: The sequence animation begins slowly and increases to normal speed as it moves
through the text.

Ease Out: The sequence animation begins at normal speed and slows toward the end of
the text.

Ease Both: The sequence animation begins slowly, increases to normal speed as it moves
toward the middle of the duration of the text, and slows as it reaches the end of the text.

Accelerate: The rate of the sequence animation increases as it moves through the text.

Decelerate: The rate of the sequence animation decreases as it moves though the text.

Custom: Lets you keyframe how the selection (the animation) moves through the text.
When Custom is selected from the Speed pop-up menu, the Custom Speed parameter
becomes available.

Custom Speed: Drag this slider, available when Speed is set to Custom, to keyframe the
completion of the sequencing by defining the location of the text where the animation is
in effect.

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