Add items from the library, Inspector, Inspector overview – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

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Chapter 2

Introduction to the Motion interface



On a Multi-Touch trackpad, pinch open to make the icons larger or pinch closed to make the
icons smaller.

Add items from the Library

The easiest way to add Library elements to your project is using the Apply button.

Add Library content


Select the layer or group to apply the effect or content element to.


Select an element in the Library, then click the Apply button.

For additional options and information, see

Add Library elements to a project

on page 182.


Inspector overview

In Motion, you modify images, clips, and effects by adjusting parameters—numeric attributes
that define each characteristic of a project. The Inspector is where you find the controls to
modify parameters: sliders, dials, pop-up menus, checkboxes, and so on. (For more information
on Inspector controls, see

User interface controls overview

on page 127.)

When you select an image, clip, or effect in Motion, its parameter controls become available in
the Inspector, ready for adjustment. In other words, the Inspector is contextual: what appears in
the Inspector is based on the selected object. An object must be selected for its parameters to
appear in the Inspector.

The Inspector contains four panes, each of which displays parameter controls for the selected
object. The first three panes, Properties, Behaviors, and Filters, are present for any selected object.
The fourth pane, generically called the Object pane, changes its name and contents depending
on the type of object selected.

Open the Inspector
Do one of the following:


Click Inspector in the top-left corner of the Motion workspace.


Choose Window > Inspector (or press Command-3).
The Inspector opens.

Collapse or expand the pane containing the Inspector, File Browser, and Library
Do one of the following:


Choose Window > Inspector (or press Command-3).


Click the “i” button in the lower-left corner of the Motion workspace.

Show or hide a group of controls using the Show/Hide button


Position the pointer over the row that contains the group name.


Click Show to display the parameters or Hide to conceal the parameters.

For more information, see

Generic Inspector controls

on page 142.

67% resize factor
