Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 575

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Chapter 15



Box: This option is available when the 3D checkbox is selected in the Replicator Inspector.
Elements are positioned in a three-dimensional cube along the replicator outline, or on its
surface in a tile or random fill pattern. Using the onscreen controls (with the Adjust Item
tool), you can specify the size and location of the rectangle. Drag the front horizontal edge
to adjust height; drag the front vertical edge to adjust width; drag a back edge to adjust
depth; drag a front corner to simultaneously adjust the width and height. To reposition the
replicator, drag in the replicator (but not on an edge or corner point). Depending on the
selected Arrangement, the Box shape displays additional parameters. In the following image,
the box’s Arrangement is set to Tile.

Sphere: This option is available when the 3D checkbox is selected in the Replicator Inspector.
Elements are positioned in a three-dimensional sphere along the replicator outline, or on
its surface in a tile or random fill pattern. Using the onscreen controls (with the Adjust Item
tool), you can specify the radius and location of the circle. Drag the outline of the sphere to
adjust its radius; drag in the sphere to reposition it in the Canvas. When Sphere is selected,
the Arrangement parameter becomes available. Depending on the selected Arrangement,
the Sphere shape displays additional parameters.

Arrangement: This pop-up menu, available when Shape is set to Rectangle, Circle, Image, Box, or
Sphere, specifies the layout of the elements in the selected shape. The arrangement options are:

Outline: Elements are positioned along the edge of the shape.

Tile Fill: Elements are positioned in a tiled pattern of rows and columns in the circle,
rectangle, image, box, or sphere pattern. You can specify the number of columns and rows,
as well as the Tile Offset.

Random Fill: Elements are positioned randomly from within circle, sphere, rectangle, or box.

Size: This slider is available when Shape is set to Rectangle or Box. Click the disclosure triangle
to display separate Width, Height, and Depth (for the Box shape) parameters. When Circle is
the selected shape, this parameter becomes Radius.
Note: For projects using the default camera settings and a default Z position for the replicator,
the Height is measured in pixels; however, the Width is measured in square pixels. This is
done so a shape that is numerically square appears square when “Correct for Aspect Ratio” is
selected in the View pop-up menu in the top-right corner of the Canvas.

Shape Source: This image well, which becomes available only when Shape is set to Geometry,
lets you load a shape object as the source for the replicator pattern. To set the shape source
for the replicator, drag a shape from the Layers list or Timeline into the Shape Source well.

Image Source: This image well, which becomes available when the Shape parameter is set to
Image, lets you load an image object as the source for the replicator shape. To set the image
source, drag an image from the Layers list or Timeline into the Image Source well.

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