Modify behavior timing, Behavior timing overview, Stop a behavior – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 307: Trim behaviors, 307 modify behavior timing 307

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Chapter 9



Modify behavior timing

Behavior timing overview

You can change a behavior’s timing to control when it starts, how long it lasts, and when it
stops. There are several ways to do this. You can use the Stop parameter behavior to suspend a
behavior’s effect on a single parameter. You can also trim each behavior in the Timeline. Finally,
for some behaviors, you can change the Start Offset parameter to delay their beginning, and you
can change the End Offset to stop the behaviors before the end of their object duration in the
Timeline. These behaviors include Fade In/Fade Out, Grow/Shrink, and Snap Alignment to Motion.

Stop a behavior

The easiest way to control behavior timing is to use the Stop behavior (in the Parameter
category). The Stop behavior halts the animation occurring in a single parameter, whether the
animation is based on keyframes in the Keyframe Editor or behaviors applied to that object.

As explained in

Add a Parameter behavior

on page 299, all Parameter behaviors can be applied

to a parameter of an object (such as opacity or position) or to an object (such as text or an
image). If the behavior is applied to an object, you must assign a specific parameter to the
behavior (in the Behaviors Inspector).

Stop a parameter from animating


Move the playhead to the frame where you want animation to stop.


Select the affected object, then open the Properties Inspector.


Control-click the parameter to stop, choose Add Parameter Behavior from the shortcut menu,

then choose Stop.
If the behavior was applied to one dimension of a multidimensional parameter, open that
parameter’s disclosure triangle and Control-click the dimensional parameter to access the same
shortcut menu, then choose Stop.
The parameter is animated until the frame where the Stop behavior begins.
Note: When applied in this manner, the Stop behavior takes effect at the current frame
(regardless of the Create Layers At Preference setting).


To assign the Stop behavior to a different parameter, choose a new parameter from the Apply To

pop-up menu.

The Stop behavior halts the animation of all behaviors that affect the selected parameter of that
object. For example, if the Gravity, Edge Collision, and Rotate behaviors are applied to a shape
and you apply the Stop parameter to the shape layer’s Position parameter, the shape stops
moving but continues rotating.

To control when animation affecting that parameter is stopped, trim the Stop behavior in the
Timeline. For more information on trimming behaviors, see

Trim behaviors

on page 307.

For more information about applying Parameter behaviors, see

Add a Parameter behavior


page 299.

Trim behaviors

When you apply a behavior to an object, the duration of the behavior in the Timeline defaults to
the duration of the object to which it’s applied. However, a behavior can be modified to limit the
duration of its effect. For example, if you apply the Spin behavior to a replicator layer, by default
that replicator spins for its entire duration. If you trim the Out point of the Spin behavior, the
spinning stops at the new position of the Out point.

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