Zoom in the timeline, Adjust timeline track height – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

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Chapter 8



The second three appear in the lower-right corner of the Motion project window.

Show Audio

Timeline button

Show Timeline button

Show Keyframe

Editor button

Audio tracks and keyframes appear in separate partitions in the Timeline. When they are visible,
you can resize the partitions by dragging the divider bars between them.

Note: Press F6 to hide (or show) the Timing pane, regardless of whether the Timeline, Audio
Timeline, or Keyframe Editor is displayed.

Zoom in the Timeline

Controls located at the bottom of the track area allow you to zoom in and out of the Timeline
horizontally, showing more or less time in the track area. As you zoom in, you can see greater
detail, which lets you place objects with greater precision.

Zoom slider



The scroller, located at the bottom of the Timeline, is a scroll bar with zoom handles on either
end. The width of the scroller represents the entire duration of your project.

The zoom slider, located in the bottom-right corner of the Motion project window, zooms in and
out of the track area at the position of the playhead.

Navigate the track area


Drag the scroller left or right.

Zoom in or out of the Timeline


Drag the handle at either end of the scroller, inward to zoom in, or outward to zoom out.

If you hold down the Shift key while dragging a handle, the Timeline is zoomed from the center
of the visible area.


Drag the zoom slider left to zoom out or right to zoom in at the position of the playhead.


To fit the Timeline in its window, press Shift-Z (with the Timeline active) or Option-Command-0.


Press Option–Command–Equal Sign (=) to zoom in.


Press Option–Command–Minus Sign (–) to zoom out.


On a Multi-Touch trackpad, pinch open to zoom in and pinch closed to zoom out.

Adjust Timeline track height

You can adjust the height of the tracks displayed in the track area. Audio and object tracks can
be resized separately. However, some tracks, including filters and behaviors, cannot be resized.

67% resize factor
