Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 542

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Chapter 14



Show Particles As: Use this pop-up menu to view particles in different preview modes, or as
they actually appear. These nonimage modes play more efficiently when viewing a complex
particle system and also provide other ways of analyzing particle motion. By default, this
parameter is set to Image, which displays each particle as it is supposed to appear. There are
four menu items:

Points: Each particle is represented by a single point. This is the fastest preview mode and is
useful for displaying the type and speed of particle motion in a system. When selected, the
Point Size parameter is revealed.

Lines: Each particle is represented by a line. This is a good preview mode to use to analyze
the vector of each particle’s motion. The length of each line is determined by that particle’s
speed, and the angle of each line equals each particle’s direction.

Wireframe: Each particle is represented by a bounding box. Because the bounding boxes are
good indicators of each particle’s orientation in the system, this preview mode is useful for
evaluating the movements of individual particles. For example, it’s easy to see the angle of
rotation for particles spinning or following a complex motion path.

67% resize factor
