Remove black borders from stabilized clips, Remove black borders from, Stabilized clips – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 991

background image

Chapter 22

Motion tracking


Note: When using this strategy to track multiple noncontiguous sections of the clip, use the
same tracker to simplify the track and to avoid clutter in the Keyframe Editor.

This strategy is not recommended for small portions of the clip, such as using the default
stabilization for 25 frames, a tracker analysis for 10 frames, and so on.

Modify smoothing parameters
If you’re trying to smooth the motion in a clip, first try adjusting the smoothing parameters.
These parameters include Translation Smooth, Rotation Smooth, and Scale Smooth. This can be
accomplished without reanalyzing the clip.


In the Behaviors Inspector, choose Smooth from the Method pop-up menu, then adjust the
Translation Smooth, Rotation Smooth, and Scale Smooth sliders.

Reanalyze the clip at a higher-quality setting


Before analyzing a clip, choose Better from the Quality pop-up menu in the Behaviors Inspector.
Although the analysis may take longer at this setting, the quality will be higher.

Edit the analysis data


If none of the prior solutions helps, look at the Analyze.Confidence parameter in the Keyframe
Editor, then look for frames where the Confidence parameter falls to very low values. You can
convert the Stabilize behavior to keyframes to create transform keyframes on the stabilized
object. These keyframes can then be edited in the Keyframe Editor. Try deleting keyframes that
create unusual spikes at the frames where the Confidence curve value was low.
For more information on converting behaviors to keyframes, see

Advanced strategies to improve

tracking results

on page 984.

Remove black borders from stabilized clips

When you use the Stabilize behavior, the resulting transformations that smooth or stabilize the
shot cause moving black borders to appear around the edges of the image. Although this is
necessary to achieve the desired effect, you probably don’t want these black borders to appear in
the final shot.

Use the following methods to remove black borders.

Zoom the clip
You can zoom the clip using the Borders pop-up menu in the Behaviors Inspector. The
disadvantage of this method is the resulting softening of the image, depending on how much it
is enlarged.


In the Behaviors Inspector, choose Zoom from the Borders pop-up menu.
The clip is expanded to the full size of the Canvas, preventing black borders from appearing
around the edges.

Scale the stabilized clip
If you want to output the resulting clip at the same size as the original, the quickest fix is to
scale the image after the Stabilize analysis. You’ll need to enlarge the image to the point where
all instances of black borders fall outside the edges of the frame. Like the Zoom option (in the
Borders pop-up menu), this method softens the image.

Note: This workflow is a manual version of zooming the clip using the Zoom option from the
Borders pop-up menu.

67% resize factor
