Canvas pane, 121 canvas pane – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 121

background image

Chapter 4



These settings control how frequently projects are saved, as well as the location of the saved files.
Saved projects are time- and date-stamped. For more information about customizing autosave,

Use autosave

on page 189.

Use Autosave Vault: A checkbox that, when selected, stores autosaved projects to the location
specified by the Autosave Vault Folder path. By default, the Autosave Vault folder is located in a
folder called Motion Projects in the Movies folder of your home directory.

Save a copy every: A value field that specifies how often, in minutes, a project is saved.

Keep at most: A value field that specifies how many versions of the autosaved project to store
in the vault.

Maximum of: A value field that specifies the maximum number of autosaved projects to store
in the vault.

Autosave Vault Folder: A group of controls that let you set where the autosave files are kept.
The Reset button sets the autosave location back to its default.

Optical Flow Retiming
When you retime footage, Motion stores the retiming files on your computer. The settings in this
section of the Cache pane specify the storage location.

Save Retiming Files: Two buttons that set the storage location of retimed footage:

In folder with source media: When enabled, this button tells Motion to save the retiming files
in the same location as the source footage.

In this folder: When enabled, this button sets a custom storage location. Click Choose, then
select a new location in the file dialog. By default, the Optical Flow folder is located in the /
Users/username/Library/Caches/ Cache Files/ folder.

Delete Retiming Cache: A button that deletes any optical flow retiming files and resets any
objects with optical flow to frame blending. An alert dialog appears asking if you want to
remove all retiming files.

Reveal in Finder: A button that, when clicked, shows the location of the retimed file folder in
the Finder.

Canvas pane

The Canvas pane of the Preferences window contains settings to customize your Canvas
view. Changes made in this pane take immediate effect in your current project. There are two
categories: Alignment and Zones.

67% resize factor
