2d group properties, 3d group properties, Group properties – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 927

background image

Chapter 21

3D compositing


When the Type parameter is set to 3D, the Flatten and Layer Order parameters become available.
When the Flatten checkbox is selected, the elements in the 3D group are flattened into a two-
dimensional plane. When the Layer Order checkbox is selected, the group’s children are sorted
by their order in the Layers list rather than depth order (position along the Z axis). For more
information, see

Layer order and depth order

on page 915.

When the Type parameter is set to 2D, Fixed Resolution parameters become available, allowing
you to manually define the size of a group. By default, Fixed Resolution is disabled and the size of
the group is determined by the layers in that group. For more information, see

Constrain group


on page 160.

Note: When selected, Fixed Resolution crops the group to the size specified in the Fixed Width
and Fixed Height parameters, around the anchor point of the group.

2D group properties

A 2D group has the following properties:

Its children are composited in layer order.

Filters are applied to the group in local space—that is, flat to the image.

Checkerboard in 2D group

with Twirl filter applied

When lights are used, the group is lit as a single object; its children are not lit individually.
Note: 2D groups at the root level are not affected by lights.

Because it is flat, a 2D group has Crop, Drop Shadow, and Four Corner parameters.

It can have a fixed resolution.

3D group properties

A 3D group has the following properties:

Its children are composited in depth order (according to their position along the Z axis).

Filters are applied to the group in view space. In other words, the filter affects the group as if it
were applied to the lens of the camera viewing the group.

Checkerboard in 3D group with Twirl filter applied from three different angles

When lights are used, the group’s children are lit individually.

67% resize factor
