Save an animation curve, Curve, Snapshots – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 472: Curve snapshots

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Chapter 12



Deselect the selection box
Do one of the following:


In the Keyframe Editor, click once anywhere outside the selection box.


Choose the Edit Keyframes tool.
The selection box disappears.
Tip: You can also draw a new selection box outside of the old one to surround a different group
of keyframes.

Curve snapshots

When modifying keyframes, it’s helpful to have a frame of reference for your curves. A saved
reference of curves lets you compare modified curves to the original curves. Additionally, a saved
reference—known as a curve snapshot—acts as a safety net if you need to restore a curve’s
original state.

Take a curve snapshot


Click the Take/Show Curve Snapshot button in the upper-right corner of the Keyframe Editor.

With Take/Show Curve Snapshot enabled, as you move keyframes in the Keyframe Editor, the
original curve—as it appeared when you took the snapshot—retains its color. As long as you
remain in the Keyframe Editor editing the current set of curves with the Take/Show Curve
Snapshot button enabled, the snapshot curve remains available.

New curve (white)

Original curve (purple)

Revert a curve to its most recent snapshot
If, after editing a curve, you want to revert to the snapshot, you can do so from the Animation
menu in the Keyframe Editor.


From the Animation menu in the Keyframe Editor, choose Set to Curve Snapshot.
The curve reverts to the state of its most recent snapshot.


If you leave the Keyframe Editor, or load a different set of curves into the Keyframe

Editor, curve snapshots are taken again, replacing the previous curve snapshots.

Save an animation curve

After you apply keyframed animation to an object, you can save its curve to the Library and then
apply your custom animation to an object in any project.Animation curves saved in the Library
appear with a custom icon.

67% resize factor
