Rockwell Automation 1761-HHP-B30 MicroLogix 1000 with Hand-Held Programmer (HHP) User Manual

Page 283

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Chapter 14
Using High-Speed Counter Instructions


All presets are entered as a relative offset to the leading edge of a manual.
The presets for the hole patterns are stored in the SQO instructions. (Refer to
chapter 13 for the SQO instruction.)

The high-speed counter external reset input (I/2) and the external hold input
(I/3) are wired in parallel to prevent the high-speed counter from counting
while the reset is active.

The input filter delays for both the high-speed counter A and B inputs (I/0
and I/1) as well as the high-speed counter reset and hold inputs (I/2 and I/3)
can be adjusted. Refer to chapter 18 for more information on adjusting

Adding to File 4

Ladder Rungs

Rung 4:5
| interrupt occurred due to low preset reached |
| C5:0 +RET–––––––––––––––+–|
|––––][––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––+RETURN + |
| IL +––––––––––––––––––+ |

Rung 4:6
This rung signals the main program (file 2) to initiate a drilling
sequence. The high–speed counter has already stopped the conveyor at the
correct position using its high preset output pattern data (clear O:0/0).
This occurred within microseconds of the high preset being reached (just
prior to entering this high–speed counter interrupt subroutine). The main
program resets the drill sequence start bit and sets the conveyor drive
bit (O:0/0) upon completion of the drilling sequence.

| interrupt occurred | Drill Sequence Start |
| due to high preset reached | |
| C5:0 B3 |
|––––] [––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––(L)–––––|
| IH 32 |

Rung 4:7

| |
| |
