Example of linear interpolation motion, Generating an array, W = (a/b) [1 - cos (2pt/b) – Yaskawa LEGEND-MC User Manual

Page 340: X = (at/b) - (a/2p)sin (2pt/b), X = 50t - (6000/2p) sin (2p t/120), Note that the velocity, w, in count/ms, is, W = 50 [1 - cos 2p t/120

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LEGEND-MC User’s Manual

Example of Linear Interpolation Motion:

Generating an Array

Consider the velocity and position profiles shown in the following illustration -

Velocity Profile with

Sinusoidal Acceleration

. The objective is to rotate a motor a distance of 6000 counts in 120 ms. The velocity

profile is sinusoidal to reduce the jerk and the system vibration. If we describe the position displacement
in terms of A counts in B milliseconds, we can describe the motion in the following manner:

ω = (A/B) [1 - cos (2πΤ/B)]

X = (AT/B) - (A/2

π)sin (2πΤ/B)


ω is the angular velocity; X is the position; and T is the variable, time, in milliseconds.

In the given example, A=6000 and B=120, the position and velocity profiles are:

X = 50T - (6000/2

π) sin (2π T/120)

Note that the velocity,


, in count/ms, is

ω = 50 [1 - cos 2π T/120]





DP 0,0

Define position of X and Y axes to be 0


Define linear mode between X and Y axes.

LI 5000

Specify first linear segment

LI 0

Specify second linear segment


End linear segments

VS 4000

Specify vector speed


Begin motion sequence

AV 4000

Set trippoint to wait until vector distance of 4000 is reached

VS 1000

Change vector speed

AV 5000

Set trippoint to wait until vector distance of 5000 is reached

VS 4000

Change vector speed


Program end
