Adept AdeptSight User Guide User Manual

Page 250

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Configuring Arc Caliper Properties

the region of interest.


It is possible to graphically set a position constraint function when the
approximate position of an edge is known beforehand. This is useful for
scoring an edge based on its offset from the expected position.


Values in the Constraint Function Editor indicate relative distance in the
region of interest where 0.0 is the leftmost position and 1.0 is the right-
most position.

To set a Position Constraint:

1. In the drop-down list above the Function Editor, select First Edge Posi-

tion Constraint or Second Edge Position Constraint.
If either edge does not have the Position box checked, it will not be
shown in the drop-down list.

2. In the Function Editor, use the mouse to drag handles and set the posi-

tion limits. See the following figure.

The physical position in the Function Editor corresponds to the same physical
position in the display.

Setting the Position Constraint Function Editor

Score Threshold

The score threshold sets the minimum acceptable score for a valid edge. The caliper will dis-
regard edges that obtain a score lower than the Score Threshold.


Caliper constraint scores range from 0 to 1.


If both Position and Magnitude constraints are enabled, each constraint accounts for
50% of the total edge score.

AdeptSight User's Guide, Version 3.2.x, Updated: 8/23/2012

Page 250
