Planet Technology IP DSLAM IDL-4801 User Manual

Page 412

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IDL series User Guide


Default value: any

ethertypecmp eq | neq |

lt| leq | gt | geq | any

|inrange | exrange

Ether type comparison type

Type: Create - Optional

Modify - Optional

Default value: any

vlanidcmp eq | neq | lt

|leq | gt | geq | any

|inrange | exrange

VLAN Id comparison type. This field must be 'any', if 'priotagcmp' is not

equal to 'any'

Type: Create - Optional

Modify - Optional

Default value: any

priotagcmp eq | neq | lt

|leq | gt | geq | any

|inrange | exrange

Priority tag comparison type. This field must be 'any', if 'vlanidcmp' is not

equal to 'any'"

Type: Create - Optional

Modify - Optional

Default value: any

ssapcmp eq | neq | lt |

leq| gt | geq | any |

inrange| exrange

SSAP comparison type.

Type: Create - Optional

Modify - Optional

Default value: any

subruleprio low | high


This specifies the priority of the subrule. Based on this priority value, the

subrule is created in fast or slow memory. In case priority is specified as

'asinrule', subrule priority will be same as specified in the rule.

Type: Create - Optional

Modify - Optional

Default value: asinrule



Start service VLAN Id of the range of service VLAN IDs. Invalid, if the

direction of the rule for which this subrule is being created is 'out'. This field

is invalid if 'vlanidcmp' is 'any'(7). This field and the servicevlanidto field

specify a range of service VLAN Ids, if 'servicevlanidcmp' is either

'inrange'(8) or 'exrange'(9).In native mode configuring this parameter will

result in error. Type: Create - Optional

Modify - Optional

Valid values: 1 - 4094

Default value: 1



End service VLAN Id of the range of service VLAN IDs.Invalid, if the

direction of the rule for which this subrule is being created is 'out'. This field

and the servicevlanidfrom field specify a range of service VLAN Ids, if

'servicevlanidcmp' is either 'inrange'(8) or 'exrange'(9).Otherwise, this field

is invalid In native mode configuring this parameter will result in error.

Type: Create - Optional

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