6 cybergels, Cybergels -23 – Bio-Rad EXQuest Spot Cutter User Manual

Page 174

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Fig. 5-13. Vector offsets indicate that these two spots have been mismatched.

5.6 Cybergels

PDQuest needs to know the pH gradient of a gel in order to calculate isoelectric point
values. A new feature in this release allows you to combine overlapping areas of gels
and create Cybergels. Cybergels are a combination of gels with different pH gradients
into a larger gel. To create a cybergel select Combine overlapping gels from the
Match menu. Additionally, you can select Match > Automated Matching > Primary
Matching tab. Then check the Enable overlapped pH-range matching box to create a

For example, in the illustration below, if the pH gradient set in the lab only goes to 4,
you will only be able to detect proteins that separate at the pH level of 4. Due to the
narrow set of pH ranges (from 3-5, etc.), spots 1, 2, and 3 are the same in gel 1 as in
gel 2. And spots 4, 5, and 6 overlap from gels 2 and 3.

To create a cybergel eliminating overlapping spots, or spots that occur in more than
one gel, you would add spots 1, 2, and 3 from Gel 1 to the Cybergel, and add spots 4,
5, and 6 from Gel 3. The Cybergel is a combination of all the spots in which you are

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