Bio-Rad EXQuest Spot Cutter User Manual

Page 298

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Integrated Excision Tool


Fig. 9-4. Select Microtiter Plate pop-ups.

The Select Microtiter Plate pop-up prompts you to specify the plate number and size
for the current cut run. In the dialog box, a default plate name will appear in the Plate
Name field. Note that default plates are named sequentially (Plate 001, Plate 002,
etc.). However, you can enter any name you want in the field. Then specify the well
you want to use as the First free well using the Specify starting well button. This
button opens the Enter Plate Information pop-up box.

If you specify a starting well other than the default of A1, the skipped wells will be
noted in the box. Click Done to make your selection and OK to complete the plate
selection process.


Specifying a different starting well is essential if you want to load spots from
different MatchSets or different analysis sets on the same microtiter plate. You

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