12 transform, Transform -20 – Bio-Rad EXQuest Spot Cutter User Manual

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PDQuest User Guide


Zoom in/out - To zoom in or out, Click the center mouse button or roll the wheel. If
you do not have a three button mouse or a mouse with a wheel, hold down the shift
key and left click and drag to zoom in or out.


Rotate the image - Click and drag to rotate the image.

Reposition the image - Ctrl>click and drag to reposition the image.

Zoom in/out - Shift>click and drag to zoom in or out.

The 3D viewer window allows you to view the image in three different modes; wire
frame, lighting, and textured.

Wire-frame shows the image in a transparent frame view.

Lighting shows the image with different areas of light and shadow depending on
the angle of view.

Texture gives the image texture.

Use the Scale function to scale the image. This is useful for viewing shallow spots in
the 3D viewer.

If you lose the image because you moved it too far past the window border, or rotated
it and disoriented the view, click Reset View to return the image to the original view.


Reset view does not change the scale factor. To reset the scale factor, close the
3D viewer and click the box again to re-open the 3D Viewer with the original
scale factor.

3.12 Transform

The Transform controls are used to adjust image brightness and contrast and optimize
the image display. These controls affect the display only, not the underlying data.

Select Transform from the Image menu or main toolbar and click in the subwindow,
or use the Ctrl+B key command in the subwindow.

This manual is related to the following products: