7 . analysis sets and annotations, 1 analysis sets, Analysis sets and annotations -1 – Bio-Rad EXQuest Spot Cutter User Manual

Page 228: Analysis sets -1, Analysis sets and annotations

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7. Analysis Sets and


Analysis sets and annotations are tools to help you organize and analyze your spot

Analysis sets allow you to create groups of spots that are statistically and biologically
significant. You can also create sets of spots to cut using Bio-Rad’s ProteomeWorks
Spot Cutter.

Annotations allow you to add notes, comments, and other pertinent information to
spots. Using annotations, you can create links to protein databases or files, import
mass spec data, and store spot information in HTML format for easy portability and
uploading to Web sites.

7.1 Analysis Sets

The analysis set tools allow you to create and study sets of proteins that are
statistically and scientifically significant. You also use analysis sets to identify spots
to cut using Bio-Rad's ProteomeWorks Spot Cutter.

There are six different kinds of analysis sets:

Qualitative Analysis Sets:

Are composed of spots that are present in one gel but
not in another (i.e., spots that have been turned “on” or

Quantitative Analysis Sets: Are composed of spots whose quantitation has increased

or decreased “x” fold (where x is a user-determined
value) or whose quantitation has changed above or
within the fold change factor that you specify.

Statistical Analysis Sets:

Are composed of spots that are significant based on the
statistical test that you select.

Arbitrary Analysis Sets:

Are composed of spots that you manually select.

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