4 tiling windows, 5 magnifying images, Tiling windows -4 – Bio-Rad EXQuest Spot Cutter User Manual

Page 83: Magnifying images -4

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PDQuest User Guide



Tiling Windows

The tile commands under the Window menu are used to arrange image windows on
the screen.


The tile commands only affect image windows, not subwindows.

Select Tile to resize all open windows so that all the images are maximized. The
windows will be arranged on the screen from left to right and top to bottom.

Tile Vertical will resize all open windows and arrange them in columns across the

Tile Horizontal will resize all open windows and arrange them in rows across the


Magnifying Images

The magnifying tools in PDQuest can be accessed from the main toolbar or View
menu, or by key command.

Note that, by default, if you magnify a region in one image of a MatchSet or scanset,
the same region in all the other subwindows will be magnified. To turn off this
feature, deselect the Auto “All Same” checkbox under Display Preferences (Edit >

Ctrl+F3 will undo your last magnification or other viewing command.

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