Bio-Rad EXQuest Spot Cutter User Manual

Page 91

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PDQuest User Guide


Plot Density Distribution

Plot Density Distribution displays a histogram of the signal intensity
distribution for the entire image. Select the command from the menu or
toolbar, and click on the image.

Plot Cross-section

To display a cross-sectional intensity trace centered on a point on the
image, select Plot Cross-section from the submenu or toolbar, or use the
Ctrl+T key command, and click or drag on the image. The trace will be
displayed, and will be continuously updated as you move your cursor

over the image. The intensity (in ODs or counts) at the cursor point is listed, as is the
maximum intensity along the lines of the cross-section.


The sampling width for the density traces is one image pixel.

Fig. 3-7. Plot Cross-section tool.

Click button, then
click or drag on the image.

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