L.1.a calibration strip data – Bio-Rad EXQuest Spot Cutter User Manual

Page 527

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PDQuest User Guide


Configuring Calstrip Subwindows

If you are displaying multiple calstrips linked to multiple exposures (see section L.2,
Merging Multiple Exposures
), Configure Calstrip Windows on the Edit > Calibrate
Gels submenu will automatically arrange the calstrip images in subwindows.

L.1.a Calibration Strip Data

Values and units for each segment of your calstrip must be entered into a file called a
Calstrip Record prior to calibration.

To do this, select Edit Calstrip Record from the Edit > Calibrate Gels submenu. The
Calstrip Record dialog box will open.

Fig. L-2. Calstrip Record Editor dialog box.

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