Bio-Rad EXQuest Spot Cutter User Manual

Page 278

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Basic Excision Tool


Multiple Cuts of the Same Spot

You can make multiple cuts of the same spot. The cuts can be placed in separate
microtiter plate wells or in the same well (to increase the volume of sample in that

To place multiple cuts of the same spot in different wells, make sure the Multiple
Cuts/Spot checkbox is UNCHECKED, then click on several locations inside the spot
to create individual cuts of the same spot. Drag these circles so that they touch but do
not overlap.

Fig. 8-9. Multiple cuts to be placed in different wells.


Overlapping circles will result in incomplete cuts that may not be fully extracted
by the spot cutter.

To place multiple cuts of the same spot in the same microtiter plate well, select the
Multiple Cuts/Spot checkbox, and enter the maximum number of cuts per spot in the
Max Cuts/Spot field.

Click the Add Cut button, then drag a box over the spot. Multiple cutting circles will
appear grouped inside a red box. All these cuts will be placed in the same well.

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