7 normalization, Normalization -23 – Bio-Rad EXQuest Spot Cutter User Manual

Page 214

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Analysis Tools



Importing sample pairs will overwrite any pair selections you have already
created containing samples that match imported pairs.



When comparing gels in a MatchSet, there is often some variation in spot size and
intensity between gels that is not due to differential protein expression. This variation
can be caused by a number of factors, including:

Inconsistent cell numbers (cell densities) in the sample prep,

Inconsistent sample prep efficiency due to variations in reagents, protocols, etc.,

Handling errors resulting in some sample loss during prep,

Pipetting errors during sample prep,

Sample loss during gel loading,

Inconsistent staining times between gels,

Inconsistent labeling efficiency with radioisotopes,

Inconsistent excitation/emission efficiencies between different fluorescent tags,

Inconsistent detection energy sources between gels during image acquisition, and

Inconsistent exposure times between gels during image acquisition.

To accurately compare spot quantities between gels, you must compensate for these
nonexpression-related variations in spot intensity. This is called normalization.

With a MatchSet open, select Normalize from the Analyze menu.

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