Bio-Rad EXQuest Spot Cutter User Manual

Page 186

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Fig. 5-20. Example of a higher level MatchSet.

Creating a Higher level MatchSet

Use the Create Matchset dialog, Match > New MatchSet to create Higher level
MatchSets the same way you created Level 1 MatchSets. Under MatchSet level select
the radio button for Higher level MatchSets. Add entire MatchSets as members,
instead of individual gels. Higher level sets are similar to Level 1 MatchSets (see
section 5.1, Creating a MatchSet), except:


You select the Higher Level option button instead of Level 1.


You select MatchSets as members instead of images.

Note that you cannot include Filtered images in a higher level MatchSet, because
higher level MatchSets are made up of Masters, which do not have Filtered images.

Because higher level MatchSets are linked to the lower Level MatchSets they are
created from, they should not be moved from the file directory in which they are
created. If you want to create a higher level MatchSet to be shared among a group of

The masters of the two
level 1 matchsets be-
come the members of
the higher level match-

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