Bio-Rad EXQuest Spot Cutter User Manual

Page 390

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Appendix C. ChemiDoc XRS


Once an image has reached the specified percentage of saturated pixels, it is captured
and displayed in the video display window, Auto Expose is automatically deactivated,
and the exposure time appears active in the Exposure Time field.


If you are having difficulty auto-exposing your sample, you can use Manual
Expose to adjust your exposure time directly. Most non-chemiluminescent
applications only require an exposure time of a few seconds, which can be
quickly adjusted using Manual Expose.

Manual Expose

If you know the approximate exposure time you want, you can click on the Manual
Expose button. Manual Expose is automatically activated after Auto Expose is

Fig.C-6. Setting a manual exposure.

With Manual Expose activated, you can adjust the exposure time directly by changing
the number of seconds in the Exposure Time field. Type in a number or use the arrow
buttons next to the field.

When the specified exposure time is reached, the last captured image will be
displayed in the ChemiDoc XRS image window.

Manual Expose active;
button appears selected

Exposure Time field active;
adjust number of seconds

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