Leica Geosystems GPS System 500 - Technical Reference Manual User Manual

Page 115

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5. Configuring the Receiver

Technical Reference Manual-4.0.0en

Working Example

Application - Picking up distinct points in a Kinematic chain

Technique - Post-Processed Kinematic on the Fly. (Not possible with

Requirement - You wish to automatically stop recording and store each
point after pressing OCUPY.

Settings -

Other Settings - Use P-PRC (F5) to set the Observations to 1 or 2.

Field Procedure - At the point you wish to measure, place and level the
pole on the point. Press OCUPY. The point will be recorded and stored
automatically as soon as the set number of observations are recorded. Note
that the Point Id must be correctly defined and any code (if required) se-
lected BEFORE OCUPY is pressed due to Auto Store being set to YES.

Id Templates
You may also configure Id Templates
for Auxiliary Points in exactly the
same way as for normal points.
