Basic mode clocking, Basic mode channel clocking, Basic mode clocking –20 – Altera Stratix GX Transceiver User Manual

Page 66: Basic mode, Or the blo

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Altera Corporation

Stratix GX Transceiver User Guide

January 2005

Basic Mode Clocking

An example would be the invalid code encoding of a K24.1 (data =
8'h38 + tx_ctrlenable = 1'b1

). Depending on the current running

disparity, the K24.1 can be encoded to be 10'b0110001100 (0x18C), which
is equivalent to a D24.6+ (0xD8 from the RD+ column). An 8B/10B
decoder would decode this value incorrectly.

Basic Mode

Two types of clocking are available in basic mode: channel clocking and
inter-transceiver clocking.

Basic Mode Channel Clocking

This section describes internal clocking and the external clocks of the
transceiver in basic mode. By default, the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager
parameterizes the altgxb megafunction with the clock configuration
shown in

Figure 3–19


Figure 3–19. Default Configuration of the altgxb Megafunction in Basic Mode

The altgxb megafunction (shown in basic mode in

Figure 3–19

) is

configured such that the train receiver PLL with transmitter PLL is
enabled. The transmitter PLL is fed from an inclk port, which itself can
be fed from a dedicated REFCLKB, global clock, regional clock, or fast
regional clock source. The receiver logic is clocked by the recovered clock
from the CRU, which is rx_clkout. This recovered clock is also fed into
the device so that in a multi-crystal environment, some level of clock
domain decoupling can be implemented to interface with a system clock.
