Design example, Design description, Design example –38 – Altera Stratix GX Transceiver User Manual

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Altera Corporation

Stratix GX Transceiver User Guide

January 2005

Design Example

Figure 6–33. MegaWizard Plug-In Manager - ALTGXB (Page 9 of 9) - Summary

Design Example

The design example shows the GigE synchronization sequence and
illustrates what happens when the receiver loses synchronization, as
described in clause 36 of the IEEE 802.3 specification. To simplify the
documentation process, the design is implemented in Verilog hardware
description language (HDL).

Design Description

When the protocol is specified as GigE, synchronization is achieved on
receiving three (/K28.5/, /Dx.y/) ordered sets. Each /K28.5/ is
separated by any odd number of /Dx.y/ code groups. Invalid code
groups are not supported during the synchronization stage. If at any time
four invalid code groups are received separated by fewer than three valid
code groups, synchronization is lost. This design example shows both the
transmission of the synchronization sequence and the transmission of the
invalid error codes that cause the loss of synchronization.

`define reset 3'd0
`define donothing 3'd1
`define sync 3'd2
`define tx_err 3'd3
